Yoga Classes 

Join me live or view recorded videos that will help create the habit of movement that will lead to feeling energized and 
more productive in your day! 

 Health Coaching

See how the  support of a health coach 
can dramatically increase your 
success to becoming your 
healthiest version of yourself. 

Mindful Meditations

Learn how  morning mediation and affirmations have the power to shift all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

Natural Solutions

Learn healthy ways to improve your health in natural ways to boost your immunity, help you sleep, help your digestion and more! 
Ready to wake up and thrive every day?
Let's get you starting the day off right so you can feel your best  in just 28 days.

In this  challenge, you'll:

  • Set the stage for lasting change by creating daily routines that will lead to feeling energized and productive!
  • Easy to follow Videos of  yoga practices to do daily as well as the encouragement to clean up your eating!
  • Learn how  morning mediation and affirmations have the power to shift all areas of your life, better manage stress and keep yourself on track for positive change.

  • Kickstart your transformation with a Hydration challenge, taking your transformation to the next level!
PLUS: get the PRINTABLE CALENDAR to track your progress, as well as a pdf of The BIG FIVE MORNING ROUTINE 

Hi! I'm Karen! 
I help moms that are struggling to restore their health to what it once was (or even better!) in a well rounded natural way. 

I want you to be able to thrive in life not just merely survive.

I know what it's like to lose your health to an illness and 
how that completely consumes your life. 

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Feb of 2020, and after 5 surgeries and 5 months of chemo I am cancer free and have been on a journey to restore and repair my health ever since. 

I enjoy a vibrant life now and want to help you do the same!

Ready to start thriving every day?

Get instant access to my  Start the day off right challenge 
+ get free training direct to your inbox on a regular basis.

© karenblunier


Copyright Nauvoo Yoga